chronicle of saga part 2

haha, before we move on to the second part of the story, some one just tell me, he impress with me when he read my post in english and tell how much i fluently talk or type in english. the fact that i'm not that fluent, but i try my best okay ;). hehehe.. and as you all know, while i'm writing this post, my house doesnt have electrricity, so, im using my laptop power suply(battery that is) and use my phone hotspot tathering for the internet. okay, now for the second part of saga chronicle :P

-from the first part-

The man that the mother see have the name of musta'mal bin mutlaq. So the mother ask more detail about the car. Alongside her is the father(so that musta'mal dont have a chance to lie about anything.
after an hour of discussion and talking pluss some other stuf that are not actually important, the mother and father decided that they want to buy the saga. "so, how much do we have to pay every month?" the mother ask. "it will be 200 ringgit per month mam" musta'mal answer with a low and humble voice(salesman tactics, dont ever fell to their tactic) . "How about it honey? should we buy it for our son dear?" the mother ask for his beloved husband(that is the father of course). "sure can, so where do we sign?" the father answer without any doubt.

After all the agreement had been signed. Musta'mal told the family that it will take 2 weeks until the bank will give the answer weither the family can make the loan or not. So the brother is so excited, he ask for the saga everyday till he go back to study.  when he far from his family, he call to ask the family how about the loan. he really excited because he never dream about having his own saga at the age of he still study. But, after nearly a month, there still no news about the saga. the brother's excitedness began to go down till he already dont care about it, "aahh, if  the loan doesnt approved, so be it. He already stop asking his parents about the saga, untill one day he got a call.

-to be continued- 

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